ACIPM - Advanced Certified International Project Manager
Building on the success of our widely recognized CIPM training which has been the Advanced CIPM addresses the evolving landscape of project management. In response to significant global changes—such as sustainability initiatives, advancements in artificial intelligence, and emerging technologies—this new program not only covers the fundamental principles of project management but also incorporates these vital contemporary topics. The Advanced CIPM is designed to equip project managers with the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate the complexities of today’s dynamic environment, ensuring they remain at the forefront of effective project delivery. Join us in shaping the future of project management with the Advanced CIPM, where traditional methods meet innovative practices.
CBA - Certified Budget Analyst
Designed for specialist Budget professionals, this designation covers specialist budget skills like Zero-based budgeting, beyond budgeting and other analyst skills. It is for professionals with at least 5 years experience in budget formulation or relevant.
CPFS - Certified Project Finance Specialist
By attending this highly intensive program you will: Understand the purpose of project finance and in which situations project finance is used Determine the costs and projected cash flows in project finance transactions Evaluate a comprehensive risk management structure Review multifaceted models used by project finance specialists
CTFS - Certified Trade Finance Specialist
Key areas of banking include merchant and investment banking valuation and tructured finance / treasury, liquidity risk, counterparty and credit risk and regulatory reporting. This program touches upon complex markets including FX, Rates, commodities, trade finance, operational & limit control, credit risk, capital management, the quantification of exposure using parametric methods that are able to furnish financial institutions with Value at Risk numbers. Overall, CTFS program gives an insight about end-to-end process design from the front to the back office using techniques such as six-sigma, information technology, reporting, custom dashboards or other more advanced services.
MFC - Master Financial Controller
This programme is designed for people who have an understanding of the accounting processes. It assumes that there is this level of knowledge and provides new insights into the accounting and financial decision making processes.
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CFM - Certified Financial Modeler
Certified Financial Modelling Masterclass is a highly interactive course designed to teach a practical understanding of effective financial modeling. The course covers 20 Major subject areas and utilizes a variety of training techniques. Through real-life case studies, the emphasis will be on practical and pragmatic approaches. The course has been designed to strengthen model structuring skills. By adopting a structured design strategy, better models can be developed in less time and with greater accuracy – thus streamlining processes, enabling sound decision and increasing profits.
CPES - Certified Private Equity Specialist
The Certified Private Equity Specialist gives a comprehensive insight in the complicated world of PE and navigates the participant through intricacies with great ease. It mainly touches upon the issues of trends and outlook of Private Equity Markets globally, Concepts of business strategy and operating risk, investing and funding. The program attempts to bring an interactive manner among group members in order to grasp the current developments in various industries and region. Hence, in addition to professionals operating in banks, law and accountancy firms, government bodies, the interactive session on Certified Private Equity Specialist is also an excellent tool for investee community too.
CPM - Certified Portfolio Manager
Certified Portfolio Manager introduces to topics such as essential finance principles, theoretical underpinning of portfolio theory, key assets within the field, the process of construction of an efficient portfolio and practical ways for obtaining financial objectives. This interactive 5-day program will allow the participants to identify and evaluate the dynamics that drive financial markets, as well as enable them to construct and manage investment portfolios. Successful completion of this course will enable the participants to gain CPM™ Chartered Portfolio Manager designation
CWMP - Certified Wealth Management Professional
Wealth Management is one of the fastest growing disciplines of the banking sector. The CWMP focuses on developing relationship management, sales, communication and core financial planning skills to equip Wealth Management Professionals with graduate education.
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ACCP - Advanced Certified Compliance Professional
In modern times there has been a significant shift in financial institutions worldwide, in terms of how they approach corporate governance, compliance, and risk management. There continues to be increasing stakeholder demands and growing public scrutiny resulting from monumental failures around the globe. This program takes the participants’ previous training in Compliance to a new level, integrating an overview of complex case studies and enhanced technological solutions with a deeper exploration of the underpinnings of compliance management and how to most efficiently and appropriately achieve true firm-wide compliance. More than an add on, the CCP Level Two program is a master class in compliance and risk management.
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CCP - Certified Compliance Professional
The Certified Compliance Professional is a program designed for Corporate Officers who are responsible for implementation of compliance programs internally within their corporation. It has two program formats, one for listed companies, and the other for banks and financial institutions who require Basel II and Sarbanes-Oxley Compliance
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CCRP - Certified Credit Risk Professional
By attending this practical and informative course, you will be able to: Use risk analysis as a key business driver appreciate the benefits of accurate risk management Develop an integrated strategy for the identification, analysis, prioritization and mitigation of risk Comply with major risk management standards Successfully determine and avoid the common pitfalls in risk analysis Develop a comprehensive tool-kit for successful risk analysis that you can use immediately
CERM - Certified Enterprise Risk Manager
Risk management, historically, has been a siloed and subordinated business function as many companies treated it as part of their compliance and internal controls responsibilities. Global events during the past five years, however, have clearly revealed the inadequacy in risk management resulting in high cost due to this compartmentalized approach. Companies that continue to treat risk management as subordinate to strategy put their strategy and their very survival in jeopardy. This customised workshop is designed for corporate leaders to examine how companies can protect themselves, with enterprise-wide risk management, from the dire consequences of uncertain and unexpected events. This 5-day program will illustrate, through actual company examples, effective enterprise risk management processes that address the multiple ways in which strategies and enterprises can fail. Participants will learn how to develop and implement processes that anticipate, prioritize, mitigate, communicate and manage risks across the enterprise, ranging from failures in risk management and internal controls through risks emanating from the strategy, all the way through the risks caused by external and non-controllable events. The workshop will also cover the formation of enterprise risk management framework that integrates your risk management processes with effective strategy execution so that your company can continue to follow highly innovative strategies, while simultaneously anticipating and mitigating the inherent risks.
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CMRP - Certified Market Risk Professional
By attending this interactive course, the attendants will extend their knowledge on how to deal with all aspects of Market Risk: Counterparty market risk frameworks, tools for measuring market risk, different methods of VaR, back testing market risk, reporting market risk, applied transfer pricing, OIS/Discounting, pricing credit CVA and ALM, BASEL III, Liquidity Risk, AL-CO and ALM Foundations, ALCO Report, Market Risk and Volatility, Stress Testing/Stress scenarios, Modelling concentration risk, Specific Risk treatments Modelling Volatility and more.
CORP - Certified Operational Risk Professional
The certified operational risk course is a five day intensive workshopwhich deals with all aspects of measuring and managing operational risk. Some of the key areas include | Business Continuity |Basel II Regulation | ISO 31000 | Bayesian approaches for quantifying exposure | COSO explained | Extreme Value Theory | Scenario Analysis | How to build an effective scorecard for operational risk and much more.
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CRBA - Certified Risk Based Auditor
Certified Risk Based Auditor is a 5-day interactive program providing intellectual insights on the concepts and practical application of RBA; identify and control risks effectively, as well as give emphasis on the role of IA in fraud. Although the program targets Audit professionals responsible for developing or implementing risk based approach, it is still open for other assurance professional such as those in compliance and QA functions willing to develop their Risk Based Approach. At the end of this program, in addition to intellectual advancement on issues around Risk Based Auditing Practice, participants will also gain CRBA™ Certified Risk Based Auditor designation.
CRS - Certified Risk Specialist
This program is designed for many different types of risk specialist, managers and audit staff. It covers the entire risk management landscape drawing on different aspects of risk and delivers complex topics in an easy to understand manner. By attending this practical and informative course, you will be able to use risk analysis as a key business driver, appreciate the benefits of accurate risk management, develop an integrated strategy for the identification, analysis, prioritisation and mitigation of risk, comply with major risk management standards, successfully determine and avoid the common pitfalls in risk analysis and develop a comprehensive tool-kit for successful risk analysis that you can use immediately.
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CEPA - Certified Executive Personal Assistant
This course is designed to enable executive assistants and other office professional to realize their value and pivotal role in the organisation. By unpacking present demands and requirements from executive leaders of today and top executive assistants, delegates will add relevance to their profession and the emerging roles that are required of the executive secretary in today`s global environment.
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CHRM - Certified Human Resources Manager
This course is designed for everyone who requires either a generalist understanding or an in-depth knowledge of man-aging HR policies and procedures, and terms and conditions of employment. Many organizations develop ad hoc policies to solve immediate challenges. These policies are reactive to the situation rather than being proactive. Poorly developed policies lead to a lack of focus for both managers and employees. However, more and more employers are taking a proactive approach to the development of policies and procedures creating a best practice approach to their overall HR policies Objectives of the Program This program will guide you to develop and implement best practice in your organisation. You will ensure that your employment contracts and HR manuals meet your business needs, whilst attracting, retaining, engaging and motivating employees. In an increasingly competitive employment environment, when you want to attract and retain high performers, managing your employee relations and communications are increasingly critical tools that form part of your overall HR strategy. This five-day course will cover the key areas of HR policies and procedures so that you adopt best-practice to compete more effectively in the war to attract talent. You will learn how to improve employee engagement whilst developing trust and fairness for both parties in the employer-employee relationship.
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CICM - Certified International Change Manager
Although change is one of the few certainties of life, it is often met with fear and resistance in the work lace when not managed correctly. However, organisations have to change in order to adapt, improve and repare for the future. Change can be Strategic, Anticipatory, Reactive or Incremental – each of which needs a different and controlled response. As today's business environment is accelerating the pace of change, effective change management has never been so important. Expertise on change management will drive forward sustainable performance improvement to keep ahead of competitors, and meet ever changing and demanding customer expectations. Organisations fall into several categories, some are "Traditional" and some are "Modern". Traditional organisations tend to initially resist change because it's not the way we do it here……..but their competitors are changing. Modern organizations embrace change but sometimes for the wrong reasons…think Dot.Com. Change must be planned and controlled; the process element – the supplier element –the staff element- the customer element must all be given equal consideration. This course is presented by a worldwide "Change Management" expert who will guide you through all the complex elements of changing a business environment onto the path of successful reorganisation.
ICALS - International Certificate in Advanced Leadership Skills
Leadership is not something people are just born with, leadership can be learnt. All around the world businesses are realizing the power of great leadership. They realize the value it brings to the business and to individuals and they are recognizing the significant costs of poor leadership too! Leadership provides the motivation, incentive and desire that leads teams and people to deliver extraordinary, world class productivity, commitment and quality of service. Becoming a great leader can make a very significant difference to your career. Great leadership is felt by everyone around you, becoming a Performance Leader means that others will not only follow you but want to follow you, want to do great work and want to be part of your high performing team. The outcome of great leadership then is success....become a great leader now.
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