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Summary of Major Provisions of the Economic Policies of McCain and Obama

by Bank of America [More Info]

The economic, regulatory and domestic platforms of Presidential candidates McCain and Obama provide stark contrasts, with root differences on tax poli

Access : For Public
Pages : 6
Category : Economics

Cost : Free
Date Published : 2008-09-01

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Abu Dhabi: Real Estate Overview

by Markaz Research [More Info]

Abu Dhabi's economy has expanded significantly in the last five years, backed by high oil price liquidity. With Abu Dhabi owning 95% of the country’

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Pages : 52
Category : Real Estate

Cost : Free
Date Published : 2008-08-10

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GCC Markets Reel Under Global Pressure

by Markaz Research [More Info]

The GCC markets continue to reel under pressure due to the negative global sentiments. All the MSCI GCC indices ended the month of July on a negative

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Pages : 19
Category : Research

Cost : Free
Date Published : 2008-08-10

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The Global Monetary Analyst - Potential Growth Is Slowing, Too!

by Morgan Stanley Research [More Info]

Europe and Japan have recoupled to the US downturn, and emerging economies look set to slow, too. Markets have jumped to the conclusion that lower oi

Access : For Affiliate
Pages : 24
Category : Research

Cost : Free
Date Published : 2008-08-05

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Oil in crosshairs

by Goldman Sachs Strategy Research [More Info]

A scenario analysis: If oil goes to $200/bblThe Goldman Sachs global energy team expects WTI to average $118 and $140/bbl in 2008 and 2009, with the p

Access : For Public
Pages : 23
Category : Research

Cost : Free
Date Published : 2008-08-01

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