The 'Causal' Structure of Risk
(September 2019) | Risk Management
by M Salman Kahn
Risks are situations where damaging events may occur but are not fully predictable. Recognizing some degree of unpredictability in these situations does not mean that they are totally random events. ...[ Read More ]
Why the timing of detection of problem areas in Risk Management is so significant?
(September 2019) | Risk Management
by M Salman Kahn
All organizations inevitably encounter challenges and events that test their ability to not only survive through a crisis situation but also demonstrate how well they are prepared in managing a difficult scenario when challenged. ...[ Read More ]
Developing a Positive Risk Culture
(September 2019) | Risk Management
by Mohammad Kahn
Who shares the greatest responsibility in encouraging and promoting an 'admirable'culture of risk management? ...[ Read More ]
'Personnel or People Risk' in Risk Management
(September 2019) | Risk Management
by Mohammad Kahn
People are involved in every action taken in an organization, so understanding people, their behaviour’s and their decision making can enable a better understanding of organisational risk as a whole. 'People Risk' in the context of Operational Risk is referenced by the Basel Committee as one of the key Operational Risk category of events being 'the risk of loss resulting from inadequate or failed internal processes, people and systems or from external events'. ...[ Read More ]
(March 2017) | Markets
by Michael Preiss
IABFM ...[ Read More ]
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