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Second Quarter 2008 - Federal Reserve's intervention, not really so unprecedented?

by Choice Alternative Investments [More Info]

Each quarter CAI issue research describing current intermediate term market trends, followed by a discussion of various fund management including ri

Access : For Affiliate
Pages : 9
Category : Research

Cost : Free
Date Published : 2008-06-08

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Kuwait Real Estate: Commentary and Analysis

by Markaz Research [More Info]

Kuwait's real estate sector has experienced significant growth in the last five years, triggered by several structural factors such as economic expa

Access : For Public
Pages : 41
Category : Markets

Cost : Free
Date Published : 2008-06-01

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The Global Monetary Analyst

by Morgan Stanley Research [More Info]

Examining the past four US recessions and five big bank-centred financial crises in other countries, in this week’s lead piece, we try to gauge the

Access : For Affiliate
Pages : 22
Category : Research

Cost : Free
Date Published : 2008-05-19

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GCC Asset Allocation & Volatility: See-Saw Pattern to Returns Observed

by Markaz Research [More Info]

Asset Allocators should be going nuts. GCC markets have started strangely exhibiting a see-saw pattern to returns. One month positive followed by anot

Access : For Public
Pages : 17
Category : Asset Management

Cost : Free
Date Published : 2008-05-10

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To Yield or Not To Yield: Examining the Potential of Yield Stocks

by Markaz Research [More Info]

Theory tells us that stock returns are composed of capital appreciation and dividends. Gulf Co-operation Council Countries (GCC) companies are generou

Access : For Public
Pages : 13
Category : Research

Cost : Free
Date Published : 2008-05-05

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