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12th Anti-Corruption Conference Goals, Themes and Outcomes

by 12th International Anti-Corruption Conference [More Info]

This paper elaborates on the goals of the 12th IACC, provides a context for the debates, and proposes the main themes to guide the discussion, and ide

Access : For Affiliate
Pages : 16
Category : Anti Corruption

Cost : Free
Date Published : 2006-11-19

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The end of monetary sovereignty

by Diana Farrell and Susan Lund - McKinsey & Company [More Info]

Traditional economic symbols of national sovereignty are going the way of the dinosaur. Around the world, national airlines, telephone companies, ba

Access : For Affiliate
Pages : 12
Category : Financial Services Sector

Cost : Free
Date Published : 2006-11-19

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Acquiring, Holding and Transferring Art

by Mellon [More Info]

There are many costs associated with buying art other than its initial cost. Purchasers will no doubt incur expenses associated with transportation, s

Access : For Affiliate
Pages : 7
Category : Wealth Management

Cost : Free
Date Published : 2006-11-18

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Operational Risk catalog 2007

by The Risk Management Association [More Info]

Operational risks can take any number of forms—hurricanes, blackouts, misdirected wire transfers, computer hacking, organized fraud, or today’s ni

Access : For Affiliate
Pages : 12
Category : Risk Management

Cost : Free
Date Published : 2006-11-14

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Credentials Retail banking

by KPMG [More Info]

After a challenging period over recent years, retail banks have enjoyed a low interest environment and relatively stable economic indicators over the

Access : For Affiliate
Pages : 4
Category : Banking

Cost : Free
Date Published : 2006-11-13

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