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Legal update

by Deacons [More Info]

new definition is included for: “designated business group” A designated business group identifies a group business entity that is allowed to shar

Access : For Affiliate
Pages : 17
Category : AML

Cost : Free
Date Published : 2006-07-22

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Trust and Custodial service providers

by Deacons [More Info]

The first draft of the Bill was unclear as to whether the designated services referred to in Items 27, 28, 29, 30 and 31 of Table 1 relating to funds

Access : For Affiliate
Pages : 4
Category : AML

Cost : Free
Date Published : 2006-07-20

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Managed Funds industry

by Deacons [More Info]

The first draft of the Bill was unclear as to whether the designated services referred to in Items 27, 28, 29, 30 and 31 of Table 1 relating to funds

Access : For Affiliate
Pages : 5
Category : AML

Cost : Free
Date Published : 2006-07-19

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Insurance industry

by Deacons [More Info]

The change to the definition of loan in section 5 removes trade credit arrangements from the scope of the designated service of ‘making a loan’...

Access : For Affiliate
Pages : 4
Category : AML

Cost : Free
Date Published : 2006-07-18

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Roundup: Developments in charitable giving

by Merrill Anderson - Park National Bank [More Info]

• Near-record philanthropy. Giving USA, an annual report on philanthropy, estimates that Americans donated $260.3 billion to charity for 2005, repre

Access : For Affiliate
Pages : 3
Category : Wealth Management

Cost : Free
Date Published : 2006-07-15

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