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Organisational agility: How business can survive and thrive in turbulent times

by The Economist [More Info]

he market turbulence of the past year may have foreshadowed a new phase of globalisation, one in which volatility is likely to remain a constant. Even

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Pages : 28
Category : General

Cost : Free
Date Published : 2009-06-08

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Risk and regulation: A new era for capitalism

by The Economist [More Info]

Has capitalism changed, and if so, what might the new landscape look like? How will organisations adjust as a result of the crisis? Do business people

Access : For Public
Pages : 27
Category : Risk Management

Cost : Free
Date Published : 2009-06-08

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A regulatory response to the global banking crisis

by The Turner Review [More Info]

Over the last 18 months,and with increasing intensity over the last six,the world’s financial system has gone through its greatest crisis for a lea

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Pages : 126
Category : Economics

Cost : Free
Date Published : 2009-05-17

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Assessments: Hiring, Developing, and Retaining an Optimum Workforce

by Aberdeen Group [More Info]

A rapidly changing talent market requires a heightened focus on the ability to attract, retain, and develop the talent that is the right fit for the o

Access : For Public
Pages : 6
Category : Research

Cost : Free
Date Published : 2009-05-12

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The ROI of Sustainability: Making the Business Case

by Aberdeen Group [More Info]

Aberdeen data indicate that far from being a philanthropic 'nice to have.' top performing organizations view sustainability as a 'must have' strategy

Access : For Public
Pages : 12
Category : Research

Cost : Free
Date Published : 2009-05-12

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