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Asia-Pacific Wealth Report

by Merrill Lynch/Cap Gemini Ernst & Young [More Info]

Over the past five years, HNWI wealth has soared in the Asia- Pacific region. In 2007, five of the world’s 10 fastest-growing HNWI1 populations wer

Access : For Public
Pages : 32
Category : Markets

Cost : Free
Date Published : 2009-03-23

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World's 50 Safest Banks 2009

by Global Finance [More Info]

Such has been the turmoil in the world’s banking industry that, for the first time, Global Financemagazine is publishing a mid-year update of its mu

Access : For Public
Pages : 2
Category : Banking

Cost : Free
Date Published : 2009-03-03

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Saudi Arabia's Business Confidence Q1 -2009

by SABB Notes [More Info]

Businesses are expecting bank lending to weaken further. 32% of survey respondents expect bank lending to be "not so severe" and 27% expect bank faci

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Pages : 13
Category : Markets

Cost : Free
Date Published : 2009-03-01

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Islamic Financial Services

by Islamic Economics Research Centre [More Info]

The Islamic financial services industry has witnessed a frenetic pace of growth during the last decade. While estimates about the size of the industry

Access : For Affiliate
Pages : 270
Category : Islamic Finance

Cost : Free
Date Published : 2009-02-17

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Saudi-China Trade Relations

by SABB Notes [More Info]

For a decade after the establishment of diplomatic ties, trade flows increased. Clic

Access : For Public
Pages : 9
Category : Markets

Cost : Free
Date Published : 2009-02-17

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