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Setup local Chapter

Get Active! Establish a local IABFM chapter

The Honorary Board of Standards for IABFM encourages local members to set up chapters and will support the local chapter with logistical and financial support wherever possible. It only takes a few members to get started and this is a great way to network and help the IABFM community to stay active and informed.

So how do you go about establishing a local chapter? Here are the steps

  1. Contact the IABFM administrative office in one of the following key locations to find out if there is already a chapter in your area:
  2. Organize a corporate sponsor for a IABFM networking event in your city
  3. Notify IABFM of dates/location for the event and we will notify all the members in your area/country of the networking event
  4. At the event, arrange for the members in attendance to select a committee to assist with ongoing Chapter administration, including the following individuals:
    • a. President
    • b. Secretary
    • c. Events Coordinator
  5. Work with the IABFM administrative office to establish a formal chapter structure

What are the responsibilities of the local chapter?

The local chapter simply organizes sponsorship and coordination of membership networking events in your location. The IABFM community is the life-blood of the IABFM and as such, local chapters play a vital role in the IABFM's ongoing success.

Q: What is required to sponsor a IABFM networking event?

A: Typically events are hosted in a formal location like a 5-star hotel conference room or training centre, along with drinks or snacks provided for the members. You can charge a nominal entry fee for the event, but the room rental cost should be covered by the sponsor.

The sponsor will have the option of showing their logo at the event and the IABFM may provide advertising/marketing support depending on the size of the venue, including via the global websites.

Q: Who can act as a local chapter officer, such as a President, and what are their duties?

A: This is open to any members in the local IABFM area through petition and approval, but these should be selected by the members in the local chapter. The time required to organize a local IABFM chapter is minimal and you should not expect to spend more than a few hours a week.

Local chapter officers can join the IABFM quarterly chapter administration conference call with the international team to discuss the needs of the membership. Sanctioned local chapter officers may also elect to have their details listed on the IABFM website.

Contact the IABFM for more information ( [email protected])

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