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Earnings to Bail Out - Attractive Valuations Seen for UAE

by Markaz Research [More Info]

At the beginning of the year we were expecting the UAE markets to post an earnings growth of 28% and provide 43% index return based on the NBAD index. In the YTD period, the NBAD index has witnessed a decline of 28%, however, there has been no slow down in earnings growth. The 1H08 earnings growth has been at 41% and we expect the aggregate UAE growth at the end of the year to be at 32%. On a sectoral basis, the real estate and the telecom sectors with estimated YoY growth of 36% respectively are expected to lead the growth in 2008 as compared to the banking sector earnings growth of an estimated 26%.

Access : For Public
Pages : 25
Category : Markets

Cost : Free
Date Published : 2008-11-16

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