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Choice Economics Quarterly - 4th Quarter 2008

by Choice Alternative Investments [More Info]

The past few months have experienced some of the largest bankruptcies, failures, and bailouts of financial institutions in history. According to Bloomberg News, for the period October 2007-2008, the values of stocks worldwide have fallen 41%, or $25.9 trillion. On an individual country basis, the US has lost by far the most at nearly $7 trillion. China ranks second at -$1.77 trillion, followed by the UK (-$1.72 trillion), Japan (-$1.54 trillion), and Hong Kong (-$1.47 trillion). CAI AG continues to outperform when compared against most major indices and asset classes. Choice continues to adapt its risk management algorithms and investment selection process given the expansion of volatility.

Access : For Public
Pages : 15
Category : Markets

Cost : Free
Date Published : 2008-12-01

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