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The globalisation of corporate governance

by Holly J. Gregory [More Info]

Led by investor demand, the discussion as to what constitutes effective corporate governance and why it is important for individual companies on a na

Access : For Affiliate
Pages : 26
Category : Governance

Cost : Free
Date Published : 2001-07-11

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Anti-Corruption Policies and Programs

by Jeff Huther & Anwar Shah - The World Bank [More Info]

In a largely corruption-free environment, anti-corruption agencies, ethics offices, and ombudsmen strengthen the ombudsmen strengthen the of accounta

Access : For Affiliate
Pages : 24
Category : Anti Corruption

Cost : Free
Date Published : 2000-12-06

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Bank Secrecy Act : Anti-Money Laundering

by Bank Secrecy Act [More Info]

The Currency and Foreign Transactions Reporting Act,1 also known as the Bank Secrecy Act (BSA), and its implementing regulation, 31 CFR 103, is a too

Access : For Affiliate
Pages : 92
Category : AML

Cost : Free
Date Published : 2000-12-04

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Measuring Governance, Corruption, and State Capture

by Daniel Kaufmann - World Bank Institute [More Info]

As a symptom of fundamental institutional weaknesses, corruption needs to be viewed within a broader governance framework. It thrives where the state

Access : For Affiliate
Pages : 47
Category : Governance

Cost : Free
Date Published : 2000-04-14

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Applying a Simple Measure of Good Governance to the Debate on Fiscal Decentralization

by Jeff Huther & Anwar Shah - The World Bank [More Info]

Applying an index for the quality of governance reveals a surprisingly strong positive correlation between fiscal dceocrreenlatrbaolinza tbioentw eaen

Access : For Affiliate
Pages : 37
Category : Anti Corruption

Cost : Free
Date Published : 2000-03-03

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