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Aggregating Governance Indicators

by Daniel Kaufmann - World Bank Institute [More Info]

With the right method, aggregate indicators can provide useful estimates of basic governance concepts as well as measures of the imprecision of these

Access : For Affiliate
Pages : 42
Category : Governance

Cost : Free
Date Published : 2000-01-10

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Aid Dependence and the Quality of Governance: A Cross-Country Empirical Analysis

by Stephen Knack - The World Bank [More Info]

Recent studies of aid and economic growth have found that aid has a positive and significant impact only in countries with sufficiently reformed polic

Access : For Affiliate
Pages : 39
Category : Governance

Cost : Free
Date Published : 2000-01-10

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Governance Matters

by Daniel Kaufmann - World Bank Institute [More Info]

Six new aggregate measures capturing various dimensions of governance provide new evidence of a strong causal relationship from better governance to

Access : For Affiliate
Pages : 64
Category : Governance

Cost : Free
Date Published : 2000-01-07

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Truth in Lending - Comptroller’s Handbook December 1996

by Comptroller of the Currency Administrator of National Banks [More Info]

The TILA was first amended in 1970 to prohibit unsolicited credit cards. Additional major amendments to the TILA and Regulation Z were made by the F

Access : For Affiliate
Pages : 107
Category : Compliance

Cost : Free
Date Published : 2000-01-04

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Compliance Management - Comptroller’s Handbook August 1996

by Comptroller of the Currency Administrator of National Banks [More Info]

This booklet describes what the Office of the Comptroller of Currency (OCC) expects in an effective compliance management system, and provides exami

Access : For Affiliate
Pages : 22
Category : Compliance

Cost : Free
Date Published : 2000-01-03

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