Call it what it is, pawn cars
(February 2009) | General
by Martin Davies
The acronym GM should be renamed from General Motors to Gross Manipulation and while there are some that reckon I am heavy handed with my criticism of the US government response to the General Motors collapse, I stand by view. ...[ Read More ]
Making Downsizing a Win-Win!
(January 2009) | General
by Dr. E. Ted Prince
This is a difficult time for just about every company and organization in the world. Almost all companies are seeing less business. Almost all organizations, whether profit-seeking or not, are under budget pressure. Almost all are cutting costs. And in most cases that means cutting people. That means the crisis is also difficult for employees and individuals the world over. ...[ Read More ]
Warren Buffet Shareholder Meeting QA Summary
(December 2008) | General
by N/A
I had the good fortune to attend the 2008 Berkshire Hathaway shareholders meeting at
Omaha, Nebraska a few weeks back.
It was a wonderful experience listening to and learning from the Master Investor- Warren Buffett himself and all I can say is that he stands alone as the reigning deity of financial world's Mt Olympus!
...[ Read More ]
Audios of Tax seminars
(September 2008) | General
by Dr. George L. Salis, Sean M. King's Teleseminar, James A. Lavorgna's
We are happy to announce that the long awaited transcript of Dr. George L. Salis, Sean M. King, James A. Lavorgna's teleseminars are now available in audio format! ...[ Read More ]
Disclosure Makes Dollars and Sense
(April 2008) | General
by Dr. Richard Petty
In the case of many companies determining the intrinsic value of a business is difficult for experienced professionals, let along the average investor. This is largely the result of what are termed information asymmetries - when one party in a transaction knows more than the other. These endure in spite of the progress that has been made in revisiting old accounting orthodoxies or the efforts made to control more vigorously certain types of interaction between actors in the capital markets. ...[ Read More ]
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